- Kubo, Akihiro, Du ≪ cadre narratif ≫ dans Exercices de style de Raymond Queneau
- Russell, John G., Excluded Presence : Shoguns, Minstrels, Bodyguards, and Japan's Encounters with the Black Other
- Sanft, Charles, Jia Yi on the Law
- Ikeda, Takumi, 200 Example Sentences in the Mu-nya Language (Tanggu Dialect)
- Institute for Research in Humanities, Staff and Seminars 2007
- Submission Guidelines for ZINBVN
- Christian DOUMET, Le corps anesthesie de l'oeuvre
- Akeo OKADA, Rezeption der franzosichen Musik in Japan der Vorkriegszeit als musikalisches Identitatsproblem
- Takumi IKEDA, Exploring the Mu-nya people and their language
- Minoru INABA, The Identity of the Turkish Rulers to the South of Hindukush from the 7th to the 9th Centuries A.D.
- Satoshi MIZUTANI, Constitutions of the Colonising Self in Late British India: Race, Class and Environment
- Kenta OHJI, Histoire et Droit dans l'Histoire des deux indes de Raynal/Diderot
- Jan van BREMEN, Notes on the Objectification of Social Memory and Monuments to the Military War Dead in Japan
- Sabine FRUSTUCK, "...Weil ich nur ein Madchen bin": Soldatinnen in der japanischen Armee
- Ichiro KOMINAMI, The Ruling System in Western Zhou and the Idea of Ming 命
- Masayuki MAEGAWA, Formation et Deformation de l'idee de politique sociale a la fin de l'ere Meiji
- Toshio YOKOYAMA, On the Civilising Role of Ozassho, the Household Encyclopedia for Diving in Premodern Japan
- Ryutaro TSUCHIDA, Die Listen der Tugenden in der Yajnavalkyasmrti unt den altern dharma-Texten
- Shingo EINOO, Two Ritual Topics in the Ahnika Section: The Tirthas in the Hand and the Pranayama
- Toru YAGI, Once again on the Forms of Oath in Classical India(II): in Connection with the Relationship between the Inst., Dat. and Acc.
- Tsutomu YAMASHITA, On the Nature of the Medical Passages in the Yajnavalkyasmrti
- Masato KOBAYASHI, Nomimal Compounds in the Yajnavalkyasmrti
- Hiroyuki MASHITA, A historiographical study of the so-called Ahwal-i Sad Big 51
- Toru FUNAYAMA, Two Notes on Dharmapala and Dharmakirti. 船山徹
- Yuko MATSUDA, Stanza in the Vaisali Plague Story. 松田祐子
- Hiroyuki MASHITA, The discrepancy of chronology of Tabaqat-i Akbari: An introduction to a survey of manuscripts. 真下裕之
- Mizue SUGITA, Varahamihira’s Vivahapatala -- An Attempt of Reconstruction from the Cintamani and Its Translation. 杉田瑞枝
- Yasuke IKARI, Place of Gopitryajna Rite of the Vadhula School
- Satoshi KOYAMA, Between Love Letter and Newspaper ─ The Polish Royal Authority
and News Media in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries ─
- Masato FUJII, A Common Passage on the Supreme Prana in the Three Earliest Upansads
(JUB 1,60-2,12; BAU 1,3; ChU 1,2)
- Yasuko I. TAKEZAWA, The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and Town-Making Towards
- Asko PARPOLA, Vac as a Goddess of Victory in the Veda and her relation to Durga
- Kazuya MAEKAWA, The Agricultural Texts of Ur III lagash of the British Museum
ZINBUN第34(1)号(1999) Seventieth Anniversary Volume
- Toru KITAGAKI, De l'idee-morale a l'idee-force: la philosophie idealiste de
la Troisieme Republique
- Shoshin KUWAYAMA, Historical Notes on Kapisi and Kabul in the Sixth-Eighth
- Keiko TAKADA, Lo sviluppo dei Procuratori di San Marco come esecutori testamentari
fino all'anno 1270
- Kazuhiro TAKII, Das Japan-Bild der deutschen Juristen wahrend der Meiji-Zeit
- Masakazu TANAKA, Sacrifice Lost and Found Colonial lndia and Postcolonial Lanka
- Shigeki TOMINAGA, Autour de la liberte de la presse
- Hitoshi USAMI, L'etude de la litterature francaise, de Rousseau a Baudelaire,
a l'Institut de Recherches en Sciences Humaines de l'Universite de Kyoto
- Shin'ichi YAMAMURO, Form and Function of the Meiji State in Modern East Asia
- Toshio YOKOYAMA, IN QUEST OF ClVILITY: Conspicuous Uses of Household Encyclopedias
in Nineteenth-Century Japan
- Yasuke IKARI, A Survey of the New Manuscripts of the Vadhula School ―MSS. of K1 and K4 ―
- Timothy Y. TSU, Between Superstition and Morality ―Japanese Views of Taiwanese Religion in the Colonial Period, 1895-1945―
- Pierre BAYARD, Comment avoir des idees neuves?
- Aya IKEGAME, Moulage ou reconstitution du reel ―Luis Delaporte et le Musee indochinois de Paris―
- Sumie NAKATANI, Agrarian Relations in a Rajasthan Village
- Yumiko TOMKITA-TANABE, Structure, process and memory ―Continuity and reproduction of japanese household organisation (ie)―
- Teruhito USHIRO, Sur la theorie althusserienne de l'ideologie
- Atsuo MORIMOTO, Genese du sujet -- Les premiers Cahiers de Valery et les idees contemporaines -- 森本淳生
- Shigeki TOMINAGA, Conversation and Debate -- Transformation of Sociability in Late Eighteenth-Century France -- 富永茂樹
- Yasuke IKARI, Vadhula Srautasutra 1.5-1.6 [Agnihotra, Agnyupasthana]
: A New Critical Edition of the Vadhula Srautasutra, II 井狩彌介
- Paisley LIVINGSTON, Arguing over Intention
- Toru KITAGAKI, Alfred Fouillee
et l´ideal
republicain 北垣 徹
- Atsuo MORIMOTO, Signe et operation.
Une etude du formalisme
valeyen a
l´epoque des premiers
Cahiers 森本淳生
- Vadhula Srautasutra 1.1-1.4[Agnyadheya,Punaradheya] -- A New Critical Edition of the Vadhula Srautasutra, I -- 井狩彌介
- Pinel's Nosographie & the Status of Psychiatry. Paul Dumouchel
- The Role of Chinese Merchants in the Development of the Japanese Cotton Industry, 1890-1934. 籠谷直人
- Dating Yasovarman of Kanauj on the Evidence of Huichao 惠超 桑山正進
- Relationalisme politique et democratie en France (XVIIIe-XIXe siecles). Pierre Rosanvallon
- Ceramics and the Chronology of Dilberdzhin Tepe and Zhiga Tepe (North Afganistan) Tom Fitzsimmons
- L'impossible groupement intermediaire -- ete-automne 1791 -- 富永茂樹
- Femmes de feu dans Les Eaux etroites de Gracq Jean Bellemin-Noel
- Some Precursors of the Subconscious Desire in the Attandasutta 荒牧典俊
- Poesie francaise, Poesie japonaise: une sphere commune? Yues-Marie Allioux
- A Study of Kalpanapodha: A Translation of the Tattvasamgraha vv 1212-1263 by Santaraksita and Tattvasamgrahapanjika by Kamalasila on the Definition of Direct Perception. 船山徹
- Narrateur e(s)t personnage <II> 大浦康介
- La fiction litteraire. Jean-Marie Schaeffer
- Narrateur e(s)t personnage <II> 大浦康介
- Essai sur Josephin Peladan III---La decadence et l'occultisme--- 鈴木啓司
- Deutsches Ethnos und Japan 佐々木博光
- Notes on Vedic Dialects, (1) Michael Witzel
- Cultural Synchrony in Performance: An Examination of the Musical Use of the Japanese Word Nori. 藤田隆則
ZINBUN第24号(1989) The 60th Anniversary Volume
- Revolution et tradition -- une etude comparative sur la redaction du Code civil: France et Japon 阪上孝
- The Development of Mantras in the Agnicayana Ritual(1) -- On the treatment of hautra mantras. 井狩彌介
- Introduction aux Soleils Couchants. 宇佐美斉
- Two More Instantia Texts: An Edition. 岩熊幸男
- The Hephthalites in Tokhharistan and Northwest India. 桑山正進
- Education and Social Change in China: 1978-1988. 新保敦子
- The Girsu "Seed-and-Fodder Texts" of Sulgi 41. 前川和也
- Narrateur e(s)t personnage<1> -- dans les marges d'une etude sur le roman journal francais. 大浦康介
- For a Sociology of Hinduism -- A critical View of Holism. 田中雅一
- La Revolution francaise et la crise sacrificielle ―Pour une sociologie religieuse du politique. 富永茂樹
- Essai sur Josephin Peladan II -- La "decadence" dans La Decadence latine. 鈴木啓司
- Mode analisys of the dietary narratives in the Pentateuch 谷泰
- Pensee Visuelle et Civilisation de la Parole. Anne-Marie Christin
- The Dilemma of Power in Tokugawa Japan. Isao Soranaka
- Huna and Hephtal Meiji Yamada
- Le Role de l'ecriture dans la poesie japonaise Moderene. 宇佐美齊
- The 'Phags-pa Mongolian Inscription of the Bayantu-quran's Edict in Yuanshi xian 元氏縣 belonging to C'aqa'an-balaqasun. 杉山正明
- The Management of Domain Land in Ur III Umma: A Study of BM 110116. 前川和也
- Before the Restoration: Francis Hall's Description of Bakumatsu Japan. F. G. Notehelfer
- Un savoir-faire oublie: le travail du lait en Chine ancienne. Francoise Sabban
- Vidhivadin et Pratisedhavadin :Double aspect presente par la theories mantique du bouddhisme indien. 赤松明彦
- The Agricultural Texts of Ur III Lagash of the British Museum.(IV) 前川和也
- From Benevolence to Enmity: Britain and Japanese Communism, 1945-50. Gordon Daniels
- Clay Stupas and Thrones at Tapa Sardar, Ghazni(Afghanistan). Maurizio Taddei and Giovanni Verardi
- Colour and the Notation of Rhythmic Variation and Modal Rhythm in 12th - to 14th - Century Sources for the Togak 唐楽 "Tang Music" Repertory of Japanese Court Music. Rembrandt F. Wolpert
- Le Probleme de l'Ego chez Rimbaud. 宇佐美齊
- Shen-hsiu et l'Avatamsaka-sutra. Bernard Faure
- Les Illuminations et la Peinture. 宇佐美齊
- The Two Deaths of Jesus -- The Narrative of the Passion as a Performative Utterance -- 谷泰
- Quelques Remarques sur le "T'ai-chang Ling-pao wou-fou siu". Max Kaltenmark
- Ma-wang-tui Materia Medica -- A Comparative Analysis of Early Chinese Pharmaceutical Knowledge Paul U. Unschuld
- Animal and Human Castration in Sumer, Pt.III: More texts of Ur III Lagash on the term amr-KUD. 前川和也
- L'Histoire de Hotan de Muhammad A'lam.(III) 濱田正美
- The Balance of Payments of Taiwan and Korea under the Japanese Rule 山本有造
- Studies in Ryukyu Folk Biology, Pt.II: Kurima Ethno-ichthyology. 松井健
- L'aristocratie et la societfeodale au debut des Six Dynasties. 川勝義雄
- Sacred and Profane; the division of a Japanese space. 多田道太郎
- Die jetziege Lage des Rechtsschutzes fur "Naien" -- Beziehung und kunftige Probleme. 太田武男
- Studies in Ryukyu Folk Biology, Pt.I: Ethno-conchology of the Ryukyu Archipelogo. 松井健
- Animal and human castration in Sumer, Pt.II: Human Castration in the Ur III Period. 前川和也
- L'Histoire de Hotan de Muhammad A'lam.(II) 濱田正美
- Le chapitre du Blo gsal grub mtha' sur les Sautrantika 御牧克己
ZINBUN第15号(1979) Golden Jubilee Volume
- Foreword 河野健治
- This Singular Country': Victorian Perceptions of Japan in the 1860's. 横山俊夫
- Matrices du republicanisme japonais. 河野健二
- Colour; its role in the course of Japanese history. 吉田光邦
- L'Enseignement des Sourds-muets et les philosophes au siecle des Lumieres. 松田清
- Animal and human castration in Sumer, Pt.1. with a supplementary comment by YOSHIKAWA Mamoru; A note on the reading of sipa-amar-SUB-ga. 前川和也
- Japan; Communication mores in places where people gather. 多田道太郎
- Posture choice of the Japanese today; ambivalence in a bi-cultural situation. 谷泰
- The Political Key-Concepts of J. -J. Rousseau. 樋口謹一
- L'Histoire de Hotan de Muhammad A'lam.(I) 濱田正美
- The development of Japanese plogh in the first half 20th century 飯沼二郎
- Le chapitre du Blo gsal grub mtha' sur les Sautrantika 御牧克己
- Le Grub Mtha' rnam bzag rin chen Phren ba de dkon mchog 'jigs med Dban po (1728-1791) 御牧克巳
- The Rent of the Tenant Field (gan-APIN. LAL) in Lagash. 前川和也
- Three-valued Logic with Two Negations. 内井惣七
- Agricultural Production in Ancient Sumer. 前川和也
- Moral Reasoning. 内井惣七
- Concerning on the Modernization of Japan. 吉田光邦
- "No-mind" in Chuang-tzu and in Ch'an Buddhism. 福永光司
- Forerunners of the Pathological Anatomy in Italy.-- A Culture-historical study of the Basic Concept of Man in Europe -- 谷泰
- Le marxisme au Japon avant la deuxieme guerre mondiale. 河野健二
- The Tunhuang Manuscripts -- A General Description (Part II) 藤枝晃
- The Tunhuang Manuscripts -- A General Description (Part I) 藤枝晃
- A Comparison of the Components of Electoral Decisions in the Varying Kinds of Election. 三宅一郎
- Ancient Punjab Dry Farming ub the General History of Agriculture 飯沼二郎
- The Limits of European "Humanism". 會田雄次
- The Evolution of Personality. 今西錦司
- Hui-yuan -- his Life and times. 牧田諦亮
- A Short History of Japanese Ceramics. 吉田光邦
- Some Observation on Communication and Japanese Nationalism in 1890s 加藤秀俊
- The Birth and Collapse of the Self-governing Village Community in England. 富岡次郎
- On the Semiotic. 牧康夫
- The Characteristics of the Ancient Chinese Urban State. 貝塚茂樹
- The T'ang Civilization Reference Series. 平岡武夫
- A Historical Outline of Studies in the "Ziyu Minken" Movement. 井上清
- Changes in the Concept of the Emperor. 坂田吉雄
- Les Collaborateurs de l'Encyclopedie---Les Conditions de leur Organisation. 桑原武夫/鶴見俊輔/樋口謹一
- A Statistical Approach to Group Comparison based on the Distribution of Rorschach Responses. 藤岡喜愛